child protective services, ashland job family services, ashland, ohio

Child Protective Services

The Ashland County Department of Job and Family Services provides child protective services to our community.  Our child protective services unit works to ensure the safety and well-being of children in our county while working in tandem with families and social service providers.  As a team in the community, we work to reduce the risk of harm to children and better equip families to live in healthy and safe environments.  Our goal is to give families in Ashland County the tools and support they need to reduce the risk of future abuse and/or neglect of children and educate the community about resources and services available to them to prevent abuse and neglect of children.

View Kinship Care Fact Sheet

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, please call the Ashland County Dept. of Job and Family Services at (419) 282-5001.

How Does Child Protective Services Work?

As a Public Children Services Agency, we receive and investigate reports of child abuse and neglect and investigate those reports in a timely manner. In most cases where a need for services has been identified, ACDJFS provides services to the child and family while the child remains in the home. However, there are instances when the child cannot remain safely in the home. When the child is placed outside of the home, ACDJFS must develop a plan detailing the activities that must occur to ensure that the child is able to return home safely. If that is not possible, the plan will identify an alternative safe, stable, permanent living environment.

Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

If you have a reasonable suspicion of child abuse, reporting that suspicion might be the first step to get help for the child and the family. Call the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services at 855-O-H-CHILD or locally (419) 282-5001 to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect. Your report can be made anonymously.

How Do You Know If You Should Report?

You need to have a reasonable suspicion of child abuse, not to prove it or be absolutely certain. While you may not be sure, it is better to err on the side of the child. Not reporting your suspicions may mean that abuse or neglect will continue. If you make a report in good faith, you are immune from civil or criminal liability.

Mandated reporters are required by law to report if they suspect or know that child abuse is occurring. To follow-up on a report, please contact (419) 282-5000.

View Child Abuse and Neglect Fact Sheet

adult protective services, ashland job family services, ashland, ohio

Adult Protective Services

The Ashland County Department of Job and Family Services provides Adult Protective Services to the elderly who are in danger of harm, unable to protect themselves, and/or have no one else to assist them. We investigate and evaluate concerning reports of suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults age 60 and over.

Report suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation by calling our anonymous hotline at (419) 282-5000.

How Does Adult Protective Services Work?

ACDJFS works to resolve issues, including helping seniors transition to safer living conditions, connecting them to local support for basic needs, and linking them to opportunities for financial assistance. 

Investigations of reports alleging abuse, neglect and exploitation are mandated to be initiated within 24 hours, if any emergency exists, or within 3 working days after the report is received.

Upon completion of the investigation, the department will determine whether or not the adult, who is the subject of the investigation, is in need of protective services.

Report Suspected Adult Abuse or Neglect

Call our offices at (419) 282-5000 to report suspicions of elderly abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Your report can be made anonymously.

How Do You Know If You Should Report?

You need to have a reasonable suspicion of abuse, not to prove it or be absolutely certain. You might be unsure, but it is better to err on the side of the vulnerable person. Not reporting your suspicions may mean that abuse will continue. If you make a report in good faith, you are immune from civil or criminal liability.

Mandated reporters are required by law to report if they suspect or know that abuse is occurring. To follow-up on a report, please contact (419) 282-5000.

View Adult Abuse and Neglect Fact Sheet

Main Line: (419) 282-5000
Toll Free: (800) 589-8141 
Fax: 419-282-5006
 – WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act)
419-282-5007 – PCSA (Public Children Services Agency, “Children Services”)
419-282-5008 – CSEA (Child Support Enforcement Agency)
419-282-5009 – IM (Income Maintenance)
419-282-5010 – Fraud / Support / Front Desk
419-282-5011 – Human Resources / Administration

Report Suspected Abuse
(419) 282-5001
TDD for Hearing/Speech Impaired
(419) 282-5002 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Information contained on the Ashland County Department of Job and Family Services (ACDJFS) website is believed to be accurate however ACDJFS does not guarantee the accuracy of such information and disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions. ACDJFS shall not be liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy or timeliness of such information, including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this website.

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